Quick start
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Révision de 16 novembre 2017 à 10:29 par Admin (discussion | contributions)
PSIMU proposes a lot of options and configurations to propagate an orbit. Anyway, in order to allow to start first simulations very quickly, the PSIMU GUI owns many parameters with by default values.
To launch this GUI you only have to double click on Windows systems or type :
java -jar psimu-xx.x-jar-with-dependencies.jar
The first time, the GUI is launched an specific directory where result files will be stored will be created : OUTPUT_JPSIMU
Then, it has been decide to avoid by default values on following parameters :
- orbital parameters which will be set to zero
- attitude law
So, to be able to execute a propagation, the user will have, at least, to:
- enter a non nul semi mlajor axis (for example 7000 km) in the orbit tab (see here)
- select the default law as the single attitude law (see here)