Main differences between V11.2 and V11.3

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Révision de 14 décembre 2018 à 07:34 par Admin (discussion | contributions) (Anomaly corrections)

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Upgrade of PATRIUS, GENIUS and GENOPUS versions

This PSIMU version is now linked with PATRIUS V4.1.1, GENIUS V1.8 and GENOPUS V2.0.1

Warning messages when saving result files

When using Save Results possibility, if files already exist, a pop up window appears with a warning message asking for overwriting them or not.

New output variables

This version owns new output variables with:

  • solar radiation pressure acceleration (components and norm);
  • thrust acceleration (components and norm);
  • thrust value;
  • mean Lyddane orbital elements
  • percentage of the satellite and solar panels illuminated surface.

New Ground station management

Thanks to the new specific GENOPUS widget, it is easier to deal with ground stations list.

Ground track plot

In addition to the plots already available, a specific panel allows to plot directly the ground track with computed orbital events.

Anomaly corrections

  • Reset of secondary plots: after propagating a new trajectory, all Output plots plots are reset, even secondary windows if they exist ("+" button on the right side of the panel).
  • SQLite file closing: correction of the previous anomaly as the SQLite file was not correctly closed.
  • SQLite bug with LINUX: previously, with some LINUX configuration (mainly when you have no full rights on /tmp directory), there was a problem when writing SQLite file. It is now fully corrected.
  • Bad line for output files: the ASCII output files (ephemeris and/or event files) had a specific line that made these files uncompatible with the GENIUS GPlotpanel widget. This line does not exist anymore.
  • Bug correction for AOL events in retropolation: thanks to the new GENOPUS version (V2.0.1), this bug is now corrected.
  • Right drag deceleration computation for some attitude configurations when the vehicle is a cylinder one.