Main differences between V11.3 and V11.4

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Révision de 23 septembre 2019 à 07:36 par Admin (discussion | contributions) (New output variables)

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Compatibility with PATRIUS

This version is compatible with the version 4.4 of the PATRIUS library.

New maneuvers trigerring criteriae

Thanks to the V2.1 version of GENOPUS, new criteriae on nodes and apsides have been added to the previous ones (relative or absolute dates and AOL)

Impulsive maneuvers with orbital parameters criteriae

Thanks to the V2.1 version of GENOPUS, it is now possible to define an impulsive maneuver giving orbital parameters increments:

  • on semi-major axis
  • on eccentricity (and semi-major axis eventually)
  • on inclination (and semi-major axis eventually)

Recurrent date events

Thanks to the V2.1 version of GENOPUS, it is now possible to define date (relative or absolute ones) events with a recurrence (for example each day).

Minimum step citeria on Dormand Price 853 integrator

Thanks to the V4.4 version of PATRIUS and the V2.1 version of GENOPUS with its new specific widget, it is now possible to by-pass the Dormand Price 853 error mode on the minimum step. When this solution is chosen, the propagation will go on even if the conditions on precision will not be temporary fulfilled.

Additional validity criteria on PRS coefficients

Thanks to the V2.1 version of GENOPUS, besides validity interval of [0,1] for each coefficient, there is an additional test on the sum of the three coefficients (absorption, specular and diffuse) that must be equal to 1.

Altitudes on stop criteria

It is now possible to choose if the stop criteria will be a geocentric or geodetic altitude.

Best management of consistency between force model and vehicle panels

In the previous versions, if we decided to select an atmospheric model without entering data on mass and aerodynamic coefficients, the error was only detected when launching the propagation. Now it is detected sooner and the vehicle tab becomes red as it shifts in error mode.

By default attitude law

Now an attitude law is defined by default (TNW) to avoid to select if it is not critical.

Ergonomics change for output variables selection

TBW ...

New output variables

New variables are now available:

  • F107 (Solar Flux / 0 if the atmospheric model does not use it)
  • AP (Geomagnetic index / 0 if the atmospheric model does not use it)
  • DV (Cumulated velocity increment in m/s / 0 if no maneuvers)

Moreover, the time scale used for dates may be selected in the Output panel (UTC by default)

Possibility to customize its own output variables


New output modes


Some new util methods


Anomaly corrections

  • Corrections due to GENOPUS anomalies
  • PSIMU is now able to propagate a trajectory using initial orbital parameters correspond to an hyperbolic trajectory.
  • when propagation duration is exactly equals to zero, PSIMU will no more exit in error.
  • use of mean zonal terms was previously wrong in case of Droziner or Cunningham équations (not available in GUI mode); it is now corrected.
  • In Java mode, using FILE_SC_BINARY output option, calling getSpacecraftStateList() or getSpacecraftState(i) methods now gives the same kind of results (sort problem corrected).
  • geocentric altitude and latitude (so in ITRF frame) are now correctly computed.