Basic Principle

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PSIMU proposed a Java interface

Most of the objects to pass as input data are [PATRIUS] ones. Some of them are specific to PSIMU or [GENOPUS] but, in that case, most of the time, it is due to the fact that these objects are not yet included in the used [PATRIUS] version: their name will then start by “Custom…”.

So, to use this Java interface, the developer will have to:

  1. Initialize [Patrius Dataset].
  2. Create a PSIMU object using its available constructor.
  3. Calling for the propagation in master or slave mode.
  4. Calling for “getter” methods to extract after the propagation all useful information.

For the first point, there are two possibilities:

// Patrius Dataset initialization
PatriusDataset.addResourcesFromPatriusDataset() ;

  • Or calling a specific PSIMU method allowing to manage both [Patrius Dataset] included Inside the PSIMU jar and local data (see here):
// Patrius data set initialization
final String addDataName = AppPSimuConfigurationProperties.getInstance().getAdditionalPatriusFolder();